We seem to have a definite spring in our step these days. It’s not just the fact that warmer weather is on its way that has us feeling great, although that does certainly help. With the celebration of our 5-year anniversary, we decided that it was time to spruce up our look in a big way with a new website, new logo, and a newly-refreshed passion for helping others realize their creative or professional potential.
If you’ve ever found yourself walking taller (or running faster) in a pair of new shoes, or feeling smarter in some new eyeglasses, or even acting a little spunkier with a brand-new haircut, then you know what we’re talking about. Confidence! Feeling powerful and unshakable in any situation.
If you are in need of a good confidence boost, here are 3 tips to get you walking a little taller in that favorite pair of jeans:
- Read More Outside Your Normal Topics.
Sure you may read every James Patterson novel ever written or maybe you are more of a FastCompany magazine reader. Pick up a few magazines or books outside your typical genre. Subscribe to a couple blogs that will give you insights into an industry that is new to you. You will learn things that can carry over into other areas of your life. - Learn Something New.
Nothing boosts your confidence like expanding your brain and mastering a new skill. YouTube is a wealth of information and can provide you an opportunity to learn how to use a new graphic design tool, pick up a new language or learn a musical instrument. - Teach Someone Something.
We know the best way to learn something is to be forced to teach it, so volunteer to teach somewhere. Interviewing skills at an organization like Dress For Success, or home budgeting to a group at your church or even to a young couple
This year our theme is “New Look, New You.” We love being a part of your “New You” success stories, from simply sending you home with some fresh art for your walls, to helping to strengthen an important relationship through helping you create art together, to even talking with many of you about how YOU can start your own Wine & Design franchise. We know how powerful a fresh start can be, especially when we’re empowered with the right tools to see it through.
Recognizing the impact that confidence and a new “look” can have on other women, we’re thrilled to be partnering with Dress For Success, whose mission is “to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and life.” In fact, the events you book with us (at participating studios) during the week of March 24- April 2, will result in a donation to that local Dress for Success organization. Many of our studios will be painting the “Little Black Dress” painting to celebrate our “New Look, New You” theme. Some studios may be painting other chic images to support their Dress for Success affiliate, so be sure to check their Paint it Forward division for alternate painting choices.
You are painting with a purpose; helping other women seeking new or sustained independence and employment. During this month, you can bring in donations of gently-used purses to participating Wine & Design locations, and we’ll pass ‘em along to that local Dress For Success (check with your local Wine & Design to learn of some specific needs in your area). Find more information about this impactful organization here.
For the past five years we have been growing and changing, here at Wine & Design. We have been evolving as a business and more importantly, as individuals. We know that we must always strive to improve ourselves and our businesses, which in turn, improves the lives of others around us. Are you ready for a “New You” kind of year? Maybe you’re ready to say goodbye to the 9-5 or that passion-less job. Maybe you’re ready to start something big, now that kids have grown up. Maybe starting a new business has been on your bucket list long enough. We’d love to connect and help you not just have a new look this year, but help you see that there is a new and more amazing you waiting to be born. So what are you waiting for? Let’s celebrate our milestones together!
If you’d like more information on kicking that passion-less job to the curb, check out our informational franchise site or just contact us and let’s chat.