National Selfie Day: “If this was your last-ever selfie, what drink would be in your hand?”

Lights, camera, SELFIE!! Today (June 21st) is National Selfie Day, which, if we’re being honest, is really just a *legitimate* excuse to step up our Instagram game. Our Wine & Design franchisees have gotten in on the Selfie Day fun and sent us some gems! We asked them, “If this was your last-ever selfie, what drink would be in your hand?” Tough question, but luckily, we got some great suggestions!
Tina Farman, our Oakland/Jack London, CA franchisee, came up with a great answer: a fruity sangria. To create her concoction, she opts for using white or red wine over other liqueurs, like brandy or triple sec. “To make it really yummy, I incorporate various fruit juices (grape, pear, pineapple and orange), and of course fresh fruit (grapes, mango, strawberries and peaches),” said Tina. Inspired by Tina’s choice, we’ve included this fun video from BuzzFeed’s Tasty featuring four different spins on a classic sangria recipe:
Sangria 4 Ways FULL RECIPE:
Posted by Tasty on Friday, June 24, 2016
Another studio owner, Kim Harac of Oxford, FL, sent in a quirky snapshot of her with pal “Sir-Drinks-a-Lot,” who was acting as a stand-in for her co-owner Les Evans. In line with the local coastal culture in Florida, Kim’s tastes are geared more towards tropical, fruity drinks. Her favorite beverage is a classic beach treat: a piña colada. Click the link below to watch the Delish video, which demonstrates how to flip the fins on the traditional approach and make a special mermaid colada:
WARNING: Drinking these might actually turn you into a mermaid. Full recipe:
Posted by Delish on Wednesday, June 13, 2018
We want to thank Tina and Kim for sharing their fabulous selfies and favorite drinks with us. Check out what’s going on at their studios in Oakland/Jack London, CA and in Oxford, FL. Let us know on Facebook (Wine & Design Corporate) and Instagram (@wineanddesign) about your favorite summer drink, and how you’re celebrating National Selfie Day this year!
The Wine & Design Team