MONTGOMERY, TX — While some will say that business and family just don't mix, that is not the case for Rachel Anderson and her sister-in-law Rachel Jahn, who've teamed up to open Wine and Design in Montgomery.
The Rachels hosted the grand opening of one of the few paint-and-sip concepts in Montgomery on Thursday, with a plan to bring something new and different to Montgomery County.
"We've been to places that are a similar concept, and they are always a good time, but there's nothing like that really close. You're driving 30 to 45 minutes to get to anything like that," Anderson said.
Although fun, Anderson said she'd never thought of opening a business quite like this business.
However, that changed one night last summer when Rachel Anderson and her husband were watching an episode of Shark Tank, and saw the Wine and Design concept presentation.
Anderson said she was hooked on the idea and began exploring potential locations and mulling over the idea.
Convinced that the Montgomery community truly would love the idea, she decided to get her sister-in-law involved and called Jahn.
"It took me about 2.5 seconds to say yes. I thought it was a great idea," Jahn said. "Not only the concept, but being in business with my brother and his wife, and keeping it in the family was very appealing."
Once Jahn was on board, Anderson and her husband flew to North Carolina to learn a little more about the concept. Construction was completed in May and opened this week.
Some of the cool options include painting and crafts for kids, bachelorette parties, DIY projects, team building, and Wine and Design on wheels, where the party comes to you.
"We like that this franchise does not focus exclusively on canvas painting," Anderson said. "It's not just a paintbrush."
– Brian Kirk @ Patch
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